NEPAL The Gateway to Transformation
Pilgrimage & Trek
Join Ashtanga’s Marque Garaux for this adventure filled exploration of the sacred teachings and practices that radiate throughout the Kathmandu Valley followed by a 5-day trek in the Himalayas! The Spiritual Pilgrim’s Cory Bryant & Sarah McTee will provide trip support on this one.
Oct 5-14, 2025
Only 5 (of 16) spots left!!
Pilgrimage & Ashtanga Immersion
Join guest teacher Tim Feldmann - Certified Ashtanga Teacher from Copenhagen/Miami - along with The Spiritual Pilgrim's own Cory Bryant for this 4-day pilgrimage through the magical Hindu & Buddhist land of the Kathmandu Valley = coupled with a 5-day Ashtanga Intensive in the HImalayan Foothills!
March 2026
Details coming soon!