Blog #2 from Jeff Kavy - Kathmandu

Kathmandu like the birds-nests of electrical and cable service wires that line its alleys and streets is chaotic and indecipherable but somehow it functions.

Jeff in a Thamel rickshaw

Monica, Sami and I were among the early arrivers so we had the opportunity to do some exploring and some shopping and we had a great time. With Kathmandu, you don’t dip your toe in, you dive in full bodied, the water’s great!

We each had an individual interview with Tim and Cory and later in the afternoon after our fellow Spiritual Pilgrims had all arrived, Cory and Tim conducted a group orientation.

Cory outlined the overall schedule for the Pilgrimage, introduced Tim to talk about our daily practice and then introduced us to his friend James Hopkins.

James is an American who after a 20 year career as an investment banker moved to Nepal to study Buddhism. He’s been here in Nepal for 20 years, taken teachings from the most renowned names in Tibetan Buddhism and Meditation and traveled and studied many times through the years to India, Tibet and Bhutan.

Thamel intersection - near our first hotel in Kathmandu

He’ll be our guide as we tour some the most sacred sites and as we touch upon and learn some things about the origins, practice and nature of Tibetan Buddhism and Mediation.

Once I heard him speak at the orientation I knew that having this guy as our guide was an exceptional opportunity and that this was going to be an incredible learning and mind opening experience.

Then we went around the circle and introduced ourselves. It’s a really wonderful group, 18 of us (I think), a number of MLC’s students who I’ve met previously and others from the US, England, Greece and elsewhere.

And before a lovely group opening banquet, we each received a nice carry bag, a set of malas (prayer beads), prayer shawl and a beautifully designed (credit Richard) Nepal Pilgrimage 2023 Spiritual Pilgrim T-shirt.

Tomorrow we have 6:00 am mediation and practice and then it’s off to Swayambhunath, the Stupa being the most significant site of Buddhism in the Katmandu Valley, Varayogini Temple and the Asura Cave and Monastery.

So that’s it for now, tomorrows going to be a big exciting fun day!


Blog #3 from Jeff - Swayambhunath Stupa & Asura Cave


Guest Blog - #1 in a series with SP alum Jeff Kavy